What Should I Do If I’ve Been Rear-Ended In a Car Accident?

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It can be tempting to believe that a minor car accident, like one where you are rear-ended at a low speed, can be brushed off. You should always take steps to protect yourself and gather evidence after a crash though, even if you feel completely fine. Here’s what you should do after getting rear-ended and before you talk to a Prince George’s County car accident lawyer.

What Should I Do After I Get Rear-Ended?

Treat this like any other accident, even if it happened at a lower speed. Pull over somewhere safe and:

  • Get the other driver’s insurance info
  • Take pictures of the cars and the accident scene
  • Look around for any cameras that might have caught the crash
  • Call the police so that they can make a report
  • Exchange contact information with any witnesses

It may seem like overkill to call the police and have them make a report, but it’s a good idea. If you or someone else does end up having injuries from the crash, this makes it easier to file a claim or, if necessary, a lawsuit.

What Kinds of Symptoms Should I Look Out For After Being Rear-Ended?

Even if you got hit at a low speed, it’s possible that getting rear-ended caused an injury. You should see a doctor as soon as possible, and you should also be on the lookout for symptoms like:

  • Pain and stiffness
  • Loss of range of motion in the neck
  • Headaches
  • Tingling or numbness in the arms
  • Tiredness and trouble sleeping
  • Depression
  • Memory problems

Many of these are symptoms of whiplash, a common neck issue that can affect victims of rear-end collisions. Your doctor can evaluate you for this and other injuries.

Can I Sue For Damages After Being Rear-Ended?

If you are diagnosed with any injuries after being rear-ended, you can sue for damages. If another driver was negligent and your own insurance coverage isn’t enough to cover your expenses, you can ask for compensation for:

  • Medical expenses
  • Lost wages
  • Loss of enjoyment
  • Loss of earning potential
  • Mental anguish
  • Pain from disability or disfigurement

Do I Need a Lawyer?

We do recommend hiring a lawyer. An insurer is going to do everything that they can to avoid paying you fair compensation. A lawyer can help you negotiate and fight for the kind of settlement you deserve.

The other driver or their insurer might also try to blame you for the accident. This can be tougher in a case when someone is rear-ended, but you should account for the possibility. If you are determined to share the blame for the accident, it will not be possible to claim damages.

Meet With Our Legal Team

So if you were rear-ended by another vehicle, don’t just assume that it’s no big deal. Get a proper diagnosis from your doctor and contact McCarthy, Winkelman & Mester, L.L.P. to schedule a consultation. We can tell you more about your legal options and how our lawyers can help you build a compelling case.


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