When an individual is first learning to operate a vehicle on the road, they will attend a driving school where an instructor teaches them the rules of the road. Unfortunately, many motorists are impatient when it comes to student drivers. Often, student drivers proceed with extreme caution and drive slowly as they are overwhelmed by being on the road for the first time. This typically results in other vehicles trying to get around them. Sometimes due to their inexperience, student drivers cause serious collisions and injuries. Many motorists are hesitant to pursue legal action against a student driver as they don’t even have a license and are just beginning to learn how to drive. However, that does not change the fact that their negligent actions may have caused you harm. In the unfortunate event that you have been injured in a car accident caused by a student driver, contact a seasoned Prince George’s County Car Accident Lawyer who can help you understand your rights and legal options.
Who is at fault in accidents involving a student driver?
Several parties could be held liable for this type of collision: the student driver, the driving instructor, and the driving school. It ultimately depends on the circumstances of the collision. However, it is important to understand that although student drivers do not have their licenses, they are still expected to exercise reasonable care on the road regarding keeping other motorists out of harm’s way. Essentially, they are obligated to drive safely. Nonetheless, student drivers are not the only party that could be held liable for this type of accident.
In some cases, the instructor employed by the driving school can be found at fault in a crash. It is the instructor’s responsibility to guide the student on the road. If they fail to pay close attention to the road, they can be held responsible for a collision that happens on their watch. Additionally, in some cases, the driving school itself can be held responsible for a crash. As with instructors, driving schools have a responsibility to protect the safety of student drivers. The driving school is required to provide and maintain safe vehicles for student drivers. They are also responsible for hiring qualified instructors. If the driving school fails to uphold its responsibilities it can also be held liable for damages. Ultimately, the student driver, the instructor, or the driving school could be held at fault for a collision.
If you have been injured in a car accident involving a student driver, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with one of our determined and trusted team members. You may be hesitant to file a claim against a student driver. You may want to cut them some slack as they are bound to make mistakes as they are learning how to drive. However, it is imperative to take legal action to recover reasonable compensation for your losses. Allow our firm to represent your interests in court today!